We regularly host talks in the RiSE seminar and VCLA talks series. This subpage summarizes the latest talks in each series - for detailed information or previous talks, please follow the links to the respective websites.

Date Presenter Title Type
Thu, Feb 27 Mahyar Karimi Privacy-preserving monitoring guest
2:30 pm
FAV03 Zemanek
Systems often require monitoring by a third party to ensure compliance with a specification, but this can rise significant privacy concerns. Privacy is compromised if protected information about the system is revealed, or sensitive data that is processed by the system. In addition, revealing the specification being monitored may undermine the essence of third-party verification. In this work, we propose two novel protocols for the privacy-preserving monitoring of systems against formal sequential specifications. In our first protocol, the monitor verifies whether the system satisfies the specification without learning anything else, though both parties are aware of the specification. Our second protocol ensures that the system remains oblivious to the monitored specification, while the monitor learns only whether the system satisfies the specification and nothing more. Our protocols adapt and improve existing techniques used in cryptography, and more specifically, multi-party computation. The sequential specification defines the observation step of the monitor, whose granularity depends on the situation (e.g., banks may be monitored on a daily basis). Our protocols exchange a single message per observation step, after an initialisation phase. This design minimises communication overhead, enabling relatively lightweight privacy-preserving monitoring. We implement our approach for monitoring specifications described by register automata and evaluate it experimentally. The results demonstrate practical utility, making them a promising first-start solution for privacy-preserving runtime verification. This is joint work with Thejaswini K. S. and T. A. Henzinger.
Thu, Feb 27 Thejaswini K. S. Resolving Nondeterminism with Randomness guest
2:00 pm
FAV03 Zemanek
Handling specifications given by nondeterministic automata for the problems of reactive synthesis or runtime verification require resolving nondeterministic choices without knowing the future of the input word. We define classes of automata over infinite words in which the nondeterminism can be resolved using a combination of memory and randomness on any input word, based solely on the prefix read so far. We examine two adversarial settings for providing the input word to the automaton. In the first setting, called adversarial resolvability, the input word is constructed letter-by-letter by an adversary, dependent on the resolver's previous decisions. In the second setting, called stochastic resolvability, the adversary pre-commits to an infinite word and reveals it letter-by-letter. In each of the settings, we require the existence of almost-sure resolvers---resolvers that can ensure that for any word in the language of the underlying nondeterministic automaton, the run constructed by that resolver is almost-surely accepting. The class of automata that are adversarially resolvable are equivalent to the well-studied class of history-deterministic automata. The latter case of stochastically resolvable automata defines a novel class. Restricting the class of resolvers in both settings to only memoryless stochastic resolvers further introduces two additional new classes of automata. We show that the new classes offer interesting trade-off between succinctness, expressivity, and computational complexity, providing a finer gradation between deterministic automata and non-deterministic automata. This talk is based on joint work with Aditya Prakash and Thomas A. Henzinger.
Thu, Jan 23 Anja Petković Komel From Vampire to Dedukti: a machine-checkable proof output mode internal
12:00 pm
ISTA, Mondi 2
Theorem provers are pieces of software that help a user specify and prove mathematical statements, including properties of computer systems. There are two kinds of theorem provers: automatic theorem provers (ATPs) are fully automated, the user just provides the axioms and the conjecture and lets the prover find a proof; and interactive theorem provers (ITPs) or proof assistants, that guide and assist the user towards constructing a proof, while checking validity of all deduction steps. A very successful ATP is Vampire, a first-order system extended to reasoning with theories, induction, higher-order logic, and more. Vampire employs a variety of techniques to find proofs, it is a complex piece of software with a large trusted code base. If Vampire finds a proof, it emits what we will refer to as a proof trace, a sequence or a directed graph of first-order formulas, together with information about which inference rules were used to deduce them and which premises the rule was applied to. In principle the proof trace should provide enough evidence that a human should be able to reconstruct the full proof, a derivation tree with all the details; however in practice the proof traces can be long and involved, so manually checking them may not be feasible. ITPs follow a different approach: they have a small trusted code base, a kernel, which is small enough to be understood and sometimes even formalized, and through which all the deduction steps are made and thus verified. The ITP Dedukti is designed to efficiently machine-check large proofs while being interoperable with other ITPs. Its underlying theory, λΠ-Calculus Modulo Theories, is the proposed standard for proof interoperability. We present the ongoing work of extracting Vampire proofs from the proof traces, and verifying them with a trusted kernel of Dedukti. We also report some of the challenges we faced in the process, such as minimizing the amount of information stored during poof search not to hinder Vampire's performance, constructing explicit substitutions, swapping the orientation of equalities, etc. This is joint work with Michael Rawson and Martin Suda.
Tue, Dec 3 Mark Chimes Tree-Verifiable Graph Grammars internal
11:00 am
EI 6 Eckert
In a context-free grammar, each production rule replaces a non-terminal symbol with a sequence of symbols, some of which may be non-terminals to be further expanded. This process repeats until all non-terminal symbols are replaced by terminal ones. Similarly, in a (context-free or hyperedge-replacement) graph grammar, each rule replaces a non-terminal hyperedge in a graph with a subgraph, which may itself contain further non-terminal hyperedges. The set of all possible end-results from such rules forms a language, which can often be characterized by a formula satisfied exactly by members of that language. The complexity of the grammar influences the complexity of these formulae: for instance, in the case of words, star-free languages correspond to those definable in first-order logic, while regular languages correspond to those definable in monadic second-order logic. For graphs, however, the situation is more complex. In our work, we introduce a special class of graph grammars, called "Tree-Verifiable Graph Grammars," and a new notion of bounded tree-width, called "Bounded Embeddable Tree-Width" and show that the languages generated by these tree-verifiable grammars are precisely those that are definable in Monadic Second-Order Logic with (Modular) Counting predicates and which have bounded embeddable tree-width. In my talk, I will introduce the concept of graph grammars, briefly describe the intent of the "tree-verifiable" syntactic restriction, and mention the notion of tree-width without detailed explanation.
Thu, Nov 28 Clemens Hofstadler First-order theorem proving for operator statements guest
11:00 am
Seminarraum FAV EG B (Seminarraum von Neumann)
Algebraic statements involving matrices or linear operators appear in various branches of mathematics and related disciplines. In linear algebra and geometry, we study matrices and their properties as fundamental objects, while in functional analysis, linear operators help to analyze function spaces. Their applications range from the study of integral and differential equations to different tasks in the field of signal processing. In quantum mechanics, linear operators describe the evolution of quantum systems through the Schrödinger equation. In this talk, we present a recently developed framework [1] for proving first- order statements about identities of linear operators by performing algebraic computations with noncommutative polynomials. Our main result is a semi- decision procedure that allows to prove any true operator statement. We also discuss our SageMath software package operator gb, which offers functional- ity for automating such computations. References [1] Clemens Hofstadler, Clemens G. Raab, and Georg Regensburger. Uni- versal truth of operator statements via ideal membership. arXiv preprint, arXiv:2212.11662, 2024.
Wed, Nov 6 Márton Hajdu Efficient Term Ordering Checks with Ordering Diagrams internal
11:00 am
Seminarraum FAV 01 C
Efficient calculi in saturation-based theorem proving such as the superposition calculus rely on simplification orderings on terms. Two of the most well-known such orderings are the Knuth-Bendix ordering (KBO) and the Lexicographic Path ordering (LPO). Despite having implementations running in linear time for KBO and in quadratic-time for LPO in the compared term sizes, performing several checks in sequence can still be a bottleneck. For example, comparing terms while trying to simplify newly derived clauses with a large set of unit equalities can easily take up most of the theorem prover's time. In this work, we introduce a novel indexing structure called the ordering diagram, which handles several term comparisons at once. By using lazy evaluation and information from previous comparisons, it scales well even for larger number of ordering checks. Ordering diagrams also offer the first fully runtime-specialized KBO and LPO implementations. Our implementation of ordering diagrams in the theorem prover Vampire has also contributed to Vampire's success in the 2024 version of CASC.
Mon, Oct 21 Rustan Leino Using Dafny to write correct programs guest
1:00 pm
Mon, Oct 21 Eva Maria Wagner Synthesis of Recursive Programs in Saturation internal
11:00 am
Seminarraum 366
We turn saturation-based theorem proving into an automated framework for recursive program synthesis. We introduce magic axioms as valid induction axioms and use them together with answer literals in saturation. We introduce new inference rules for induction in saturation and use answer literals to synthesize recursive functions from these proof steps. Our proof-of-concept implementation in the Vampire theorem prover constructs recursive functions over algebraic data types while proving inductive properties over these types. We show how our framework can synthesize challenging examples and discuss future work.
Mon, Jun 24 Joel Ouaknine The Skolem Landscape guest
5:00 pm
The Skolem Problem asks how to determine algorithmically whether a given linear recurrence sequence (such as the Fibonacci numbers) has a zero. It is a central question in dynamical systems and number theory, and has many connections to other branches of mathematics and computer science. Unfortunately, its decidability has been open for nearly a century! In this talk, I will present a survey of what is known on the Skolem Problem and related questions, including recent and ongoing developments.
Wed, Apr 17 Byron Cook The Business of Proof guest
Tue, Mar 26 Reiner Hähnle Context-aware Trace Contracts guest
Tue, Feb 27 Florian Sextl Sound One-Phase Shape Analysis with Biabduction internal
1:00 pm
Tue, Jan 30 Tobias Nießen Finding Counterexamples to Forall-Exists Hyperproperties internal
1:00 pm
FAV HS3 Zemanek
Wed, Dec 14 Daniel Kröning Automated Reasoning at Amazon guest
Wed, Oct 20 Lutz Strassburger Combinatorial Proofs and Decomposition Theorems for First-order Logic guest
Tue, Sep 21 Hans van Ditmarsch One Hundred Prisoners and a Light Bulb guest
Thu, Jul 22 Joscha Bach Cognitive AI: From AI models to mental representations? guest
Thu, Jan 14 Georg Gottlob Knowledge Processing, Logic, and the Future of AI guest
Tue, Jul 21 Cory Doctorow Working as Intended -- Surveillance Capitalism is not a Rogue Capitalism guest
Fri, Dec 13 Torsten Schaub Dynamic Answer Set Programming guest
Wed, Dec 4 Joost-Pieter Katoen Probabilistic Programming: Machine Learning for the Masses? guest
Wed, Nov 27 Dominique Larchey-Wendling Hilbert’s Tenth Problem in Coq guest
Wed, Nov 20 Tommaso Moraschini Profinite Heyting algebras and the representation problem for Esakia spaces guest
Mon, Nov 11 Prafullkumar Tale Lossy Kernels for Graph Contraction Problems guest