Florian Zuleger


Group Models of Computation
Room Office HG0309 (Show FORSYTE location)
Phone +43 1 58801 18449
Email florian.zuleger@tuwien.ac.at
Other links ORCID


Course number Course name Type Latest/upcoming Semester TISS link
184767 Research Seminar LogiCS SE 2025S
181224 Doctoral & Master Students Seminar SE 2025S
184695 Bachelor Thesis PR 2025S
181221 Seminar Formal Methods SE 2025S
184741 Program and System Verification VU 2025S
184749 Semantics of Programming Languages VU 2025S
184766 Introduction to Logical Methods in Computer Science VO 2025S
192022 Project in Computer Science 2 PR 2025S
192021 Project in Computer Science 1 PR 2025S